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Welcome to the OEP Reference Center - Papers


This is the papers section of the Reference Center.  Here you will find a collection of professional papers




  • Behavioral Vision Care; Chapter 1, (PDF) Harris, Paul -- This is the first chapter of the textbook Dr. Harris uses to accompany his courses. It includes much of the material from the first day of the course entitled -- The Art and Science of Optometric Care -- A Behavioral Perspective (BVC-1).

  • Behavioral Vision Care: Chapter 2, (PDF) Harris Paul -- This chapter is entitles, "The Space World".  This goes through step-by-step Dr. Harris' understanding of how a person builds their representation of reality.  Problems of omission are discussed as well as misrepresentations as to the location in space where things are seen.  The nature of non-linearity in these spatial relationships is discussed.

  • The Binocular Continuum (PDF) Harris, Paul -- This article gives a new classification and nomenclature for gaining insight into how a person uses their binocular system.  There is a great deal of variability in how the system is used throughout a day and current diagnostic criteria does not account for these variabilities.

  • The Effects of Using the ReadFast Computer Program on Eye Movement Abilities as Measured by the OBER2 Eye Movement Recording Device, (PDF) Hoover, Dennis, JOVD, Winter 1997. This paper demonstrates how effective moving windows guided reading is following a program of vision therapy to greatly enhance a person's mechanics of reading.

  • The Myth of Critical Periods (PDF) Harris, Paul -- This short paper presents the rationale against critical periods, in particular in the condition of amblyopia or lazy eye. For years, behavioral optometrists have been treating amblyopia successfully at all ages. Ophthalmology has adopted the stance that a critical period exists beyond which no treatment of the amblyopia can take place. Over the years the age that they have used has gotten older and older. This paper includes the scientific basis for the effectiveness of optometric intervention. The conclusion is that critical periods for amblyopia in humans is a myth.

  • The Scientific Basis for the Functional Approach to Vision Care (PDF) (Including Critical Period References), Cool, Steven -- This paper includes the references for the critical periods paper by Harris above. This includes detailed references which are the basis for understanding the scientific underpinnings of the behavioral approaches to vision care.

  • A Summary of Vision in Vehicles Conference, (PDF) Derby England 1995, Harris, Paul -- This biannual meeting investigates the role of vision in driving all sorts of vehicles. Dr. Harris attended the meeting and includes here in this paper his summary of each of the papers and presentations he attended.

  • Comparison of Danish and American Children on the Groffman Visual Tracing Test, (PDF) Dorte Falcke, Katja Kristiansen, Paul Harris -- This paper reports on research done while Dr. Harris was in Denmark during the 1997-98 academic year. This compares groups of children in Denmark and the US. The groups in this study performed similarly at all ages.

  • Comparison of Danish and American Children on the Wold Sentence Copy Test, (PDF) Paul Harris, Rakel Jóhannsdóttir, Thorunn Káradóttir-- This paper reports on research done while Dr. Harris was in Denmark during the 1997-98 academic year. This compares groups of children in Denmark and the US. Here the Danish children performed much slower than age matched US children at the youngest ages. However, by later ages the Danish children did significantly better.

  • Comparison of Danish and American Children on the NYSOA King-Devic Saccadic Test, (PDF) Julie Gullacksen, Paul Harris, Anette Høgenhav, Christina Lundø Nielsen, -- This paper reports on research done while Dr. Harris was in Denmark during the 1997-98 academic year. This compares groups of children in Denmark and the US. Here the Danish children performed much slower than age matched US children at the youngest ages. At later ages the Danish children's scores came closer and closer to those of the US children but they never did catch up.

  • Visual Conditions of Symphony Musicians, (PDF) Paul Harris, OD.  This article was published in the Journal of the American Optometric Association in December of 1988.  This paper supports the theories of the later Elliott Forrest, OD on astigmatism.  Most astigmatism is secondary to asymmetries in posture sustained over time.  Symphonic musicians remain for hours in the same asymmetric postures and are an excellent laboratory for studying the effects of asymmetries over time.

  • Learning Related Visual Problems in Baltimore City - A Long-Term Project (COVD Paper), (PDF) Paul Harris. This paper recounts the five-year research program where vision therapy was provided to a Baltimore City Public School in a double-blind controlled study.  Anyone considering such a research program will find the discussion of how to set up this type of program and the discussion of the implications at the end informative.

  • Reference paper on various forms of near-point retinoscopy (PDF) written by multiple authors: Harris, Hohendorf, Kitchener, Koslowe, Lewis

  • Quick Reference Guide to the Skeffington Analytical Sequence (PDF) (21-point Exam)


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